The Watchtower's corporate "Jehovah", has temper tantrums if people worship other gods, or idols. It pisses him off so much when peopled don't kiss his royal ass and so corporate JWs they don't put their hand over their heart during a pledge of allegence to the flag because Jehovah don't like it and I'm sure that if you ask Tight Pants Tony he will tell you tight pants and spandex Jehovah really don't like in fact he finds it disgusting and Tony knows corporate Jehovah like nobody else on the GB.
So you see where this believing Jehovah just has let all kinds of suffering happen to vindicate his o so important sovereignty and settle the issue once and for all time so he can just destroy anybody in the future once the issue is settle who seeks to disobey him with out all the red tape of some sort of trial,,can getcha? The funny farm that's where,, just look at our illustrious Governing Body and how dopey they are. They are face with financial crises and they still have to utter their Jehovah bull shit to their accounting department(can the CEOs of a billion corporation be any more detached from reality and still make good decisions?).